The 8th International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD.09)
March 2-6, 2009
Charlottesville, Virginia, USA
Held at the University of Virginia

Conference Home

Poster Event

Important Dates
Submission: Sunday, February 8, 2009
Notification: Thursday, February 12, 2009

Note – The deadline to get the conference rate for some hotels (see Accommodations page) will pass before the submission date for the Spring School and Poster Event. Please consider submitting your work and reserving your hotel earlier. Earlier submission will also have the advantage of quicker feedback.

The Poster Event is held in conjunction with the Welcome Reception. This allows students to maximize the visibility of your work and to get feedback from and mingle with conference participants and other students. Each student will be assigned a space to display his/her poster and present it to conference attendees who will circulate around the event.

Posters of the students who worked in groups on a collaborative paper will be positioned closely together. A group will also be encouraged to present their collaborative paper idea and obtain feedback.

Note that we encourage you to attend both the Spring School and the Poster Event, since both events are related.

Submission Guidelines

Any student attending the conference can participate. We encourage you to present a poster even if your work is only in the formative stages. If you want to attend you must submit the following before the deadline:

  • Name
  • Affiliation
  • Areas of interest
  • Title and keywords for your work
  • The size for posters is AO (841mm (h) x 1189mm (w) ). Posters of this size will fit well on the provided display boards and will ensure visibility from a distance.

We welcome combined submissions for both the Spring School and the Poster Event.

How to Submit

Please send your submission to the Student Events Chairs (Ruzanna Chitchyan and Celina Gibbs) at students at The Student Events Chairs will confirm receipt of the submission.