The 8th International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD.09)
March 2-6, 2009
Charlottesville, Virginia, USA
Held at the University of Virginia

Conference Home

Program Overview

Spring School
Workshops, Birds of a Feather
Keynote, Research Sessions, Demo Sessions, and Poster Event
Keynote, Research Sessions, Industry Panel, Industry Session, and Demo Sessions
Keynote, Research Session, and Demo Session

All events except for the Spring School and Banquet will be held on the 3rd floor of Newcomb Hall. The Spring School will be held in MEC 339. The Banquet will be held at Boars Head Inn.

The program is also available in print version.

Sunday, March 1
Student Events – Spring School
(Mechnical and Aerospace Engineering Department, Room MEC 339.)
09:00 am BREAKFAST
10:00 am Panel on Evaluation for AOSD
12:00 pm LUNCH
01:30 pm Thesis Evaluation Workshop
03:00 pm BREAK
03:30 pm Collaborative Paper Writing Workshop
05:30 pm BREAK
06:00 pm -
07:00 pm
Question/Answer Session

Monday, March 2
08:00 am (Entry Hallway, 3rd Floor, Newcomb Hall
Enter on the ground level from McCormick Drive, the main road through campus
09:00 am
10:30 am BREAK
11:00 am Breakfasts, lunches, and dinners will not be provided for workshop participants, but two coffee breaks per day will be provided
12:30 pm LUNCH
02:00 pm Workshops run from 9:00 am - 5:30 pm
03:30 pm BREAK
04:00 pm -
05:30 pm

Tuesday, March 3
08:00 am (Entry Hallway, 3rd Floor, Newcomb Hall
Enter on the ground level from McCormick Drive, the main road through campus
09:00 am
10:30 am BREAK
11:00 am Breakfasts, lunches, and dinners will not be provided for workshop participants, but two coffee breaks per day will be provided
12:30 pm LUNCH
02:00 pm Workshops run from 9:00 am - 5:30 pm Birds of a Feather
03:00 pm JBoss AOP
(South Meeting Room)
03:30 pm BREAK
04:00 pm -
05:30 pm
  JBoss AOP continued

Wednesday, March 4
08:00 am BREAKFAST
(Main Lounge)
Participants may eat in the Ballroom
(Entry Hallway, 3rd Floor, Newcomb Hall
Enter on the ground level from McCormick Drive, the main road through campus
09:00 am Keynote
The Future of Software Architectures for Large-Scale Business Solutions: Modularity, Scalability, and Separation of Concerns
Paul Daugherty, Accenture
10:30 am BREAK
(Main Lounge)
Demo Madness
(10:40 am - 10:55 am)
11:00 am Research Session 1 Demo Session 1A

Programming Languages

Dependent Advice: A General Approach to Optimizing History-based Aspects
Bodden, Chen, and Rosu

The Dataflow Pointcut – A Formal and Practical Framework
Alhadidi, Boukhtouta, Belblidia, Debbabi, and Bhattacharya

Expressive Scoping of Distributed Aspects
Tanter, Fabry, Douence, Noyé, and Südholt

(Room 389)

D1: A GUI Tool for FODA Feature Diagrams
Nakajima, Aoki, and Imai
D2: MAJOR and CARAJillo: Aspect Weaving in the Java Class Library
Villazón, Binder, and Moret
12:30 pm LUNCH
(Main Lounge)
Participants may eat in the Ballroom; Provided to all registered participants
02:00 pm Research Session 2 Demo Session 2A

Aspect Interference

A Graph-Transformation-Based Simulation Approach for Analysing Aspect Interference on Shared Join Points
Aksit, Rensink, and Staijen

The Art of the Meta-Aspect Protocol
Dinkelaker, Mezini, and Bockisch

Flexible Calling Context Reification for Aspect-Oriented Programming
Villazón, Binder, and Moret

(Room 389)

D3: Efficient Software Product Line Development – The Aspect-Oriented Way
Groher, Schwanninger, and Vöelter
D4: Building a Next-Generation Digital News Publishing Platform with AOSD
Op de beeck, Van Landuyt, Truyen, and Joosen
03:30 pm BREAK
(Main Lounge)
04:00 pm -
06:00 pm
Research Session 3 Demo Session 3A

Software Architecture and Modeling

Domain-driven Discovery of Stable Abstractions for Pointcut Interfaces
Van Landuyt, Op de beeck, Truyen, and Joosen

Aspect-Oriented Multi-View Modeling
Kienzle, Al Abed, and Klein

From Sequence Diagrams to Java-STAIRS Aspects
Oldevik and Haugen

Composing Architectural Aspects based on Style Semantics
Chavez, Garcia, Batista, Oliveira, Sant'anna, Rashid

(Room 389)

D5: drUID – Unexpected Interactions Detection
Restivo, Aguiar
D6: AOJS: Aspect-Oriented Programming Framework for JavaScript
Washizaki, Kubo, Mizumachi, Eguchi, and Fukazawa
Demo Session 4A

(Main Lounge)

D7: A System for Supporting Collaboration with Designers by Aspect-Oriented Approach in RIA Development
D8: R3V3RS3: Querying for Syntactical Patterns of Conditional Compilation Usage
Adams, Hassan, Tromp, and De Meuter
06:30 pm-
08:00 pm
Reception & Student Events – Poster Event

(Main Lounge)

Student Events – Poster Event
(Art Gallery)

Optimizing Dynamic Pointcuts by using SCoPE – Aotani

Concern Comprehension and Visualization: How Low Can You Go? – Baldwin

Design Strategies for Reusable Aspects – Bynens

Enforcing Security for Desktop Clients using Authority Aspects – Cannon

Modeling, Verification, and Testing of Non-Functional Requirements with Aspects – Cui

Pluggable and OPen Aspect RunTime (POPART) – Versatile Semantics for Aspects using a Meta-Aspect Protocol – Dinkelaker

Aspect-Oriented Generation of the API Documentation for AspectJ – Horie

Taming Strongly Invasive Aspects – Katz

Enforcing Behavioral Constraints in Evolving Aspect-Oriented Programs – Khatchadourian

Improving Aspect Oriented Modularity with Design Rules – Marques

Federated Virtual Macro Components – Matthews

DandyJ: A Dynamic Distributed AOP language for Modular Implementations of Coordinated Weaving – Morita

An Aspect for Resolving Aspect Interactions – Takeyama

Thursday, March 5
08:00 am BREAKFAST
(Main Lounge)
Participants may eat in the Ballroom
(Entry Hallway, 3rd Floor, Newcomb Hall
Enter on the ground level from McCormick Drive, the main road through campus
09:00 am Keynote
Cyber Physical Systems: Aspects as a Basis for Robustness and Openness
John A. Stankovic, University of Virginia
10:30 am BREAK
(Main Lounge)
11:00 am Research Session 4 Demo Session 1B

Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering

Modeling Scenario Variability as Crosscutting Mechanisms
Bonifácio and Borba

Concept Analysis for Product Line Requirements
Niu and Easterbrook

Semantic vs. Syntactic Compositions in Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering: an Empirical Study
Chitchyan, Greenwood, Sampaio, Rashid, Garcia, and da Silva

(Room 389)

D1: A GUI Tool for FODA Feature Diagrams
Nakajima, Aoki, and Imai
D2: MAJOR and CARAJillo: Aspect Weaving in the Java Class Library
Villazón, Binder, and Moret
12:30 pm LUNCH
(Main Lounge)
Participants may eat in the Ballroom; Provided to all registered participants
Industry Panel
Challenges and Roadmap for Using AOSD in Industry (12:45 pm - 1:45 pm)
Baillargeon, Grechanik, Kumar, Poshyvanyk, Wohlstadter
02:00 pm Research Session 5 Demo Session 3B*

Testing and Verification

Modular Verification of Dynamically Adaptive Systems
Zhang, Goldsby, and Cheng

A Generic and Reflective Debugging Architecture to Support Runtime Visibility and Traceability of Aspects
De Borger, Lagaisse, and Joosen

Automated Test Data Generation for Aspect-Oriented Programs
Harman, Islam, Xie, and Wappler

(Room 389)

D5: drUID – Unexpected Interactions Detection
Restivo, Aguiar
D6: AOJS: Aspect-Oriented Programming Framework for JavaScript
Washizaki, Kubo, Mizumachi, Eguchi, and Fukazawa
Demo Session 5A*

(Board Room)

D9: Lavash: Lancaster Variability Analysis Toolkit for Heterogeneous Requirements Sets
Noppen, Weston, Sardinha, Chitchyan, Greenwood, and Rashid
D10: Rejuvenate Pointcut: A Tool for Pointcut Expression Recovery in Evolving Aspect-Oriented Software
Khatchadourian, Greenwood, and Rashid
* Demo Sessions 3B and 5A will run simultaneously
03:30 pm BREAK
(Main Lounge)
04:00 pm -
06:00 pm
Industry Session Demo Session 2B

Aspects in Industry

Enabling the Adoption of Aspects – Testing Aspects: A Risk Model, Fault Model and Patterns
Kumar, Sosale, Konuganti, and Rathi

Modelling Hardware Verification Concerns Specified in the e Language: An Experience Report
Galpin, Driver, and Clarke

Using Aspect Orientation in Industrial Projects: Appreciated or Damned?
Hohenstein and Jäger

Aspect-Oriented Programming with Hidden Markov Models to Verify Design Use Cases
Florez-Larrahondo and Haddock

(Room 389)

D3: Efficient Software Product Line Development – The Aspect-Oriented Way
Groher, Schwanninger, and Vöelter
D4: Building a Next-Generation Digital News Publishing Platform with AOSD
Op de beeck, Van Landuyt, Truyen, and Joosen
Demo Session 4B

(Main Lounge)

D7: A System for Supporting Collaboration with Designers by Aspect-Oriented Approach in RIA Development
D8: R3V3RS3: Querying for Syntactical Patterns of Conditional Compilation Usage
Adams, Hassan, Tromp, and De Meuter
07:30 pm-
10:00 pm
(Boars Head Inn)

Friday, March 6
08:00 am BREAKFAST
(Main Lounge)
Participants may eat in the Ballroom
(Entry Hallway, 3rd Floor, Newcomb Hall
Enter on the ground level from McCormick Drive, the main road through campus
09:00 am Keynote
Everyday Aspects
Gail Murphy, University of British Columbia
10:30 am BREAK
(Main Lounge)
11:00 am -
12:30 pm
Research Session 6 Demo Session 5B

Domain-Specific Aspect Languages and Applications

Metaproperty Aspects
Myers and Baniassad

Can We Refactor Conditional Compilation into Aspects?
Adams, De Meuter, Tromp, and Hassan

Enforcing Security for Desktop Clients using Authority Aspects
Cannon and Wohlstadter

(Room 389)

D9: Lavash: Lancaster Variability Analysis Toolkit for Heterogeneous Requirements Sets
Noppen, Weston, Sardinha, Chitchyan, Greenwood, and Rashid
D10: Rejuvenate Pointcut: A Tool for Pointcut Expression Recovery in Evolving Aspect-Oriented Software
Khatchadourian, Greenwood, and Rashid