The 8th International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD.09)
March 2-6, 2009
Charlottesville, Virginia, USA
Held at the University of Virginia

Conference Home

Student Events

AOSD.09 aims to provide a wide set of activities for students. Students can participate as student volunteers, thus reducing the conference-related expenses, or simply participate in this year's student events.

Preliminary Program

AOSD.09 Student Events are designed to provide an opportunity for students working in AOSD to form lasting collaborative links with their peers as well as to arm them with a set of practical skills which will help them successfully navigate through their research projects and throughout further research or industrial careers. The student events consist of the following:

  • Introduction breakfast
  • Spring School
    • Thesis Evaluation Panel
    • Thesis Evaluation Workshop
    • Collaborative Paper Writing Workshop
    • Question/Answer session
  • Poster Event

Because we do not want to interfere with the regular workshops and tutorials at the AOSD conference, which are excellent platforms for getting feedback on your work at the technical level, the events will be held on the Sunday preceding the conference and in the evenings.

If you have questions about these events please contact one of the Student Events Chairs (Ruzanna Chitchyan or Celina Gibbs) at students at