Poster Event (preliminar)
Important Data
Poster Event submission::
Monday, March 1st, 2010
Event date:
Tuesday, March 16th
Rotonde Surcouf (PGL)
The poster even will take place within the reception at Saint Malo (PGL)

The student poster event is an opportunity for students and expert researchers to interact and discuss the cutting edge student research work. Any student attending the conference can participate. We encourage you to present a poster even if your work is only in the formative stages. This event is held in conjunction with the conference welcome reception to maximize the visibility of student work and to allow feedback from conference participants and other students.

Submission Guidelines
In order to participate in the Poster Event, please submit the following before the deadline:
  • A poster summary: no longer than a half a page statement on the poster content. The actual posters should be printed and brought along to the conference by the students. The size for posters is AO (841mm (h) x 1189mm (w) ). Posters of this size will fit well on the provided display boards and will ensure visibility from a distance.
  • Student’s Name
  • Student’s Affiliation
  • Student’s Areas of interest
  • Title and keywords for the submitted work
How to submit
Email your submission to the Student Event Chair (Ruzanna Chitchyan) at students at The Student Events Chair will confirm receipt of the submission.